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污油泥处理公司下面介绍下污油泥处理中有什么危害(What harm is there in sludge treatment)

2024-08-21 18:47:08 来源:互联网 分类:工业机械知识

污油泥处理公司下面介绍下污油泥处理中有什么危害 What harm is there in sludge treatment 污油泥处理公司:污油泥处理中有什么危害? Sludge treatment company: what are the hazards of sludge treatment? 1.污水污油泥的堆放或填埋占用大量耕地的同时污染周围环境,产生的有毒有害物质会随着动植物的吸收富集和食物链的传递危害人体健康。 2.污水污油泥含油量高,是一种宝贵的废弃物资源,如果不回收,会造成资源的浪费。 3.如果大量污油污油泥没有通过适当的工艺方法进行妥善处置,按照新环保法律中“按日连续处罚”的处罚规定,将会给公司带来经济负担。 1. The pile or landfill of sewage sludge occupies a large amount of cultivated land and pollutes the surrounding environment. The toxic and harmful substances produced will harm human health with the absorption and enrichment of plants and animals and the transmission of food chain. 2. Sewage sludge is a valuable waste resource with high oil content. If it is not recycled, it will cause a waste of resources. 3. If a large amount of oil, oil and sludge is not properly disposed of through appropriate processes and methods, it will bring economic burden to enterprises according to the punishment provisions of "continuous punishment by the day" in the new environmental protection law.   污油泥处理公司:超声波空化在污油泥处理中的作用,下面小编就给大家介绍一下 Sludge treatment company: the role of ultrasonic cavitation in sludge treatment, the following small series to introduce to you 1.液体中存在的微气泡在声场的作用下发生振动,当声压达到一定值时,气泡会继续变大,然后突然关闭,气泡闭合时产生的冲击波会在气泡周围产生数千个大气压的压力,破坏不溶性污染物并将其分散在清洗液中。 2.气泡振动清理固体表层,使污渍层脱落。 3.空化气泡本身会伴随一系列二 阶现象,如辐射扭转,辐射扭转作用于均匀液体中的液体本身,使液体本身循环,成为声流,微流可以使振动气泡表层处于高速梯度和粘性应力,足以使固体表层的污渍破坏和脱落。 4.超声空化在固液界面产生的高速微射流,可以去除或削弱边界污渍层,增加搅拌效果,加速可溶性污渍的溶解,增强化学清洗剂的清洗效果。 1. The microbubbles in the liquid vibrate under the action of sound field. When the sound pressure reaches a certain value, the bubbles will continue to grow, and then suddenly close. 2. The bubbles vibrate to clean the solid surface and make the dirt layer fall off. 3. Cavitation bubbles themselves will be accompanied by a series of second-order phenomena, such as radiation torsion, which acts on the liquid itself in the uniform liquid and makes the liquid itself circulate, becoming acoustic flow. Microflow can make the surface of the vibrating bubbles in a high-speed gradient and viscous stress, enough to destroy and fall off the dirt on the solid surface. 4. The high-speed micro-jet generated by ultrasonic cavitation at the solid-liquid interface can remove or weaken the boundary dirt layer, increase the stirring effect, accelerate the dissolution of soluble dirt, and enhance the cleaning effect of chemical cleaning agent.   污油泥处理公司:污油泥处理机械在污油泥处理中的准确使用,下面小编就给大家介绍一下。 Sludge treatment company: the correct use of sludge treatment machinery in sludge treatment, the following small series to introduce to you. 1.启动污油泥处理机械前,仔细检验设备各部件是否安装准确、松动,并及时解决,避免污油泥处理机械启动时出现故障。 2.检验污油泥处理机械电机内部零件的密封性是否合适,如果不适合及时调整,请用干净的布清理皮带,以免损坏机械设备,开机前应进行提前提前预热,待设备稳定后再投入生产。 3.首先入料时要注意安全,其次,加料速度要适中,严禁将异物混入碎料中,如果堵塞了,记得不要用手搅拌,解决问题前关掉治疗机的电源。 4、污油泥处理机械在使用过程当中,如有异常情况,应首先关闭电源,检验故障来源,做好维护和处理工作,工作结束后,当污油泥处理机械中的剩余材料排出时,关闭设备,然后清理机械。 1. Before starting the sludge treatment machine, carefully check whether all parts of the equipment are correctly installed and loose, and solve the problem in time to avoid the failure of the sludge treatment machine when starting. 2. Check whether the sealing of the internal parts of the motor of the sludge treatment machine is suitable. If it is not suitable for timely adjustment, please clean the belt with a clean cloth to avoid damage to the mechanical equipment. 3. First of all, pay attention to safety when feeding. Secondly, the feeding speed should be moderate, and it is forbidden to mix foreign matter into the crushed material. 4. In the process of using the sludge treatment machine, if there are abnormal conditions, the power should be turned off first, the source of the fault should be checked, and the maintenance and treatment work should be done. After the work, when the remaining materials in the sludge treatment machine are discharged, the equipment should be shut down, and then the machinery should be cleaned. 污油泥处理公司小编今天就介绍到这里了,感谢大家的收看,让我们下期再见。 That's all for today's edition of Sludge treatment company. Thanks for watching. See you next time.

污油泥处理公司下面介绍下污油泥处理中有什么危害(What harm is there in sludge treatment)


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