Biodiesel is a renewable, clean-burning diesel fuel that is made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant grease. It is an alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel and can be used in any diesel engine with few modifications. Biodiesel is a non-toxic, biodegradable fuel that is safe to handle and store. It produces fewer emissions than petroleum-based diesel, reducing air pollution. Biodiesel has also been shown to increase engine lubricity, which can reduce wear and tear on engines. 同时近几年的新能源燃料尤其是白油和复合燃料,不仅安全、热值高、耗量低,燃烧效果好,点着火焰的温度高达1200度左右,契合商场的需求,而且使用成本费对比传统燃料要节省很多。既安全又节省,这样的新能源燃料任谁谁不喜欢呢。 目前市场上被称作植物油燃料的油有好多,透明的、黄色的、白色的、褐色的都用于植物油燃料来宣传,所以说植物油燃料并不是指的某一种燃料,它是一个代名词,一种明火点不着的可以用作厨房烧火使用的燃料的、为了引流量的词。而且目前市场上面的大多作为餐饮使用的明火点不着的燃料本身都属于成品可以搭配灶具直接燃烧使用,并不需要什么勾兑技术,培训什么的,你没事了可以直接找个账号,基本上面都有介绍,所以也不需花钱买个培训什么的。