Biodiesel is a renewable, clean-burning diesel fuel that is made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant grease. It is an alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel and can be used in any diesel engine with few modifications. Biodiesel is a non-toxic, biodegradable fuel that is safe to handle and store. It produces fewer emissions than petroleum-based diesel, reducing air pollution. Biodiesel has also been shown to increase engine lubricity, which can reduce wear and tear on engines. 随着2018年对甲醇燃料的管控,目前市面上已经有比环保油安全、可以完全替代环保油的新型烧火燃料,他们就是植物油燃料,这里的植物油燃料并不是指的某一种,而是指的很多种,他们不易燃不易爆,明火点不着,对比液化气及甲醇燃料热值高,是目前很好的甲醇燃料及液化气的替代品。 新能源燃料多少钱一吨新能源燃油多少钱一吨新能源燃料需要投资多少钱新能源燃料新能源燃料可靠吗新能源汽油多少钱一升