999999元2023-03-08 22:47:11
汉白玉碗什么价格哪里交易价格高出手什么价格 联系人:赵经理:同步 孝粉玉碗近几年拍卖行成交数据: 白玉碗----------------成交价:RMB-成交日期: 查看更多 清十八世白玉碗-------成交价:EUR-成交日期:清乾隆御制黄玉碗-------成交价:RMB-成交日期:乾隆孝粉刻花玉碗-------成交价:RMB-成交日期:和田刻字玉碗---------成交价:RMB-成交日期:联系人:赵经理: 同步 汉白玉质地坚硬洁白,石体中泛出淡淡的水印,俗称汗线,故而得名汉白玉。多为中国古代皇家建筑、艺术品雕刻使用的名贵石料,故宫、天坛、天安门金水桥等经典建筑使用材料。常用于在人民英雄纪念碑、人民大会堂、毛主席纪念堂等和国家大师级雕刻艺术品。
汉白玉是一种名贵的建筑材料,它洁白无瑕,质地坚实而又细腻,非常容易雕刻,古往今来的名贵建筑多采用它作原料。它的起名还有一个起源,据传,我国从汉代起就用这种宛若美玉的材料修筑宫殿,装饰庙宇,雕刻佛像,点缀堂室。因为是从汉代开始用这种洁白无瑕的美玉来做建筑材料的,人们就顺口说成了汉白玉 联系人:赵经理: 同步 曾在2012香港春拍一个有少许破损的“汉白玉碗”以30万起拍的,后经众多收藏家疯狂争夺,终以115万定锤成交。有破损的“汉白玉刻花缠枝纹碗”已经如此受欢迎了,可见汉白玉碗的魅力之大,价值之高。In the pring auction a little damage of the white marble bowl in 300 thousand after starting, many collectors crazy competition, and ultimately to 1 mihousand Dingchui turnover. A broken white marble with lines carved bowl has been so popular, visible white marharm, high value. 。Hard white marble, pan light watermark stone body, commonly known as sweat line, hence the name of white marble. Most of Chinas ancient imperial buildings, art carvings used rare top stone, the Imperial Palace, Tiantan, Tiananmen, golden water bridge and other classic construction materials. Often used in the monument to the peoples heroes, the Great Hall of the people, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and so on, and national master sculpture art. Marble is a kind of rare building material, it was flawless, solid texture and delicate, very easy to carve, from ancient to modern times luxury building adopts the it as raw material. It was another origin, according to legend, China from the Han Dynasty jade like in this material to build the palace, decorated temples, carved statues, decorated hall room. Because it is started using the flawless white jade from the Han Dynasty to be building materials, people will talk to the white marble. 征 集 范 围 精品陶瓷:历代窑口精品陶器、瓷器,各代精品官窑器等; 翡翠玉器:明清和田玉,A级翡翠为上. 要求玉质佳、雕工精。高古玉、明清玉、新玉(以和田玉为主,玉质润、透、白,雕工要好) 名家字画:历代名家书画,油画、水粉画、古代字画、近现代字画、古籍善本等 杂项古玩、文房四宝、田黄石、鸡血石、古钱币,金银器,青铜器、印章、木器等精品 明清家具:各种材质的硬木家具,以紫檀和海南黄花梨为好。
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