located in Shijiazhuang national high-tech industrial development zone, Kechuang Food Technology Co., Ltd is a factory that specializes in producing equipment for milk and beverage company.
We provide all-round service including processing design, equipment manufacture, installation and adjustment for milk producers, beverages and other food manufacturers. Kechuang persists in technology and thought innovation, enhancing progress of the food industry. We have a team of experienced and skilled major engineers, by continuous efforts to develop, research and test, we have developed a series of new energy-saving products which won positive response of market and had been widely recognized.Our main products include labeling machine, shrink labeling machine, conveyor, packing conveyor, air knife, airdryer, spray sterilizing equipment, water bath sterilization equipment etc.
Kechuang, based on technology innovation, keeps honesty and warm-hearted service. we sincerely look forward to your cooperation.
项连旺 出资金额: 项连桥 出资金额:
项连旺 职位:执行董事 项连桥 职位:监事
变更项目:住所变更 更新后2014-04-23 石家庄市裕华区雅清街西美五洲MOCO13层1305号 更新前 鹿泉市上庄镇台头村 变更项目:注册资本(金)变更 更新后2014-06-13 1000.0000万人民币 更新前 50万人民币 变更项目:经营期限(营业期限)变更 更新后2014-06-13 2009-02-13~2039-02-12 更新前 2009-02-13~2019-02-12 变更项目:经营范围变更 更新后2014-04-23 通用食品包装机械设备(特种设备除外)的设计、研发、安装、销售(以上全部范围法律、法规及国务院决定禁止或者限制的事项,不得经营;需其它部门审批的事项,待批准后,方可经营) 更新前 机械设备(特种设备除外)的设计、研发、安装、销售(以上全部范围法律、法规及国务院决定禁止或者限制的事项,不得经营;需其它部门审批的事项,待批准后,方可经营) 变更项目:经营范围变更 更新后2014-06-13 通用食品包装机械设备(特种设备除外)的设计、研发、安装、销售、生产(仅限分支机构经营)(以上全部范围法律、法规及国务院决定禁止或者限制的事项,不得经营;需其它部门审批的事项,待批准后,方可经营) 更新前 通用食品包装机械设备(特种设备除外)的设计、研发、安装、销售(以上全部范围法律、法规及国务院决定禁止或者限制的事项,不得经营;需其它部门审批的事项,待批准后,方可经营)