Shandong boxing aide kitchen equipment plant,is a research,design,manufacturing and marketing in one of the professional commercial steaming cabinet manufacturer.The first in the industry made the country s industrial production permit and Technical Supervision.The company has many years experience in production technology,is committed to developing innovative new energy-efficient,full-mold production,pipeline operations,production of precision,quality guality guar-anteed,delivery speed,fully meet the needs of different clients.
“Aide”will continue,with great confidence,high sense of responsibility and the perfect after-sales service,providing customers with variety and excellent qualit,reasonable price,and with new and old customers to crilliant bright future
变更项目:出资方式变更 更新后 2015-06-08 蒸饭车、燃气灶具、蒸煮炉、水槽、工作台、货架制造加工销售(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。 更新前 蒸饭车、燃气灶具、蒸煮炉、水槽、工作台、货架