广东省阳江市波士金顿服饰有限公司成立于1990年,以生产男式西裤、男式休闲裤、男式牛仔裤,男式夹克为主.为广大客户提供来料加工、来样加工、贴牌加工等。产品质量高,做工好,价格合理.长期以来,本公司秉承""质量第一""的经营理念,坚持""诚信为本,客户至上""的原则,并拥有一批高素质、硬技术的工人队伍,出货专业快捷.曾与多家知名品牌合作,例如,七匹狼,柒牌,斯得雅,虎都等等.为客户们提供了优质的服务.欢迎中外客户来电洽谈或亲临垂询!YangJiang,Guangdong Bosskington Garment Co.,Itd.was estabished in 2003 to produce men""s trousers,men""s casual trousers, men""s jeans, men""s jacket-oriented. Providing our customers with materials processing, sample processing, OEM processing.Products of high quality,good workmanship and low prices.The company of ""quality first""bussiness philosepy,adhere to""the integrity-based,customer first""the principle all the way,and it has a group of experienced and the technology stand up to the most rigorous test worker,produces goods specialized quickly.The company have cooperation with several famous brands such as Septwolves,Seven,Stava,Fordoo and so on,and have provide quality services for them.Welcome Chinese and foreign customers calls to negotiate or in person for more information.
莫镇河 出资金额:5万人民币元 谭永进 出资金额:20万人民币元 陈胜英 出资金额:25万人民币元
陈胜英 职位:执行董事 谭永进 职位:经理 莫镇河 职位:监事
变更项目:住所/经营场所 更新后2014-11-20 阳江市江城区创业路5号106之二 更新前 阳江市江城区漠江路470号之702