Hui Zhou Miafi Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise, which is integrated with research and development, design, production and sales for home use. In the industries of home oxygen generation and electric toothbrush, our company has had high technology and innovation, won a number of patents and trademarks in the domestic and Germany, and maintain the leading innovation status in oxygen and electric toothbrush industries. The advanced oxygen production technology and electric toothbrush, have been widely used in home care in aviation and medical treatment. The products our company market, have become the leading model of all the industries. Due to the strong professional technology, wide range of technical expertise and good after-sales service, our company has become the most healthcare electrical appliances company in the domestic OEM and ODM.
刘一兵 出资金额:1.5万人民币元 张立武 出资金额:48.5万人民币元
"张立武 职位:执行董事,总经理 刘一兵 职位:监事"
变更项目:经营范围 更新后2015-02-11 家用制氧设备及配件、测试仪器及配件[不含计量器具]、电子产品、家用电器及配件的技术开发、生产与销售,计算机软硬件技术开发与技术咨询,网上贸易代理,货物及技术进出口,第二类医疗器械生产企业。 更新前 生产、销售:家用制氧设备及配件、测试仪器及配件、空气压缩机及配件、家用电器、家用消毒柜、家用空调、空气净化器系列产品及配件、传感器、往复泵、气动阀、压缩及分离设备、电磁先导气动阀门、压力变送器;家用制氧设备、空气净化器的技术开发及技术咨询,计算机软件开发。(法律法规禁止经营的项目不得经营,法律法规限制经营的项目须取得许可后方可经营)