本公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。我们自己生产线材已经有25的时间了,我们有电话线一系列产品及音频信号连接线。工厂名下有“奥威讯”品牌,又名“AOOUXUN”,我们控制每一款线材出厂前都能达标。The philosophy of ""customer first, forge ahead"" business philosophy, adhere to the ""customer first"" principle to provide our clients with quality services. Of our own production of wire rod has 25 time, we have a telephone line a range of products and audio signal cable. Factory under the name of the ""Aowei News"" brand, also known as ""AOOUXUN"", each of our control can be a wire factory compliance.
郑晓如 出资金额: 蔡文池 出资金额:
"蔡文池 职位:执行董事,经理 郑晓如 职位:监事"
变更项目:注册资本(万元) 更新后2015-02-04 100.000000 更新前 58.000000