Jiedong Yangguan Technology Co.,Itd,the designer as well as manufacturer of all sorts of headgears has all ways been trendy and fashionable in the peer industry.With a total floor of 50,000 km2 and a staff number of 1500,Yangguan has always been bosting an array of honors and rewards since 1986,thanks to her operational philosophy,i.e.,""to survive and thrive by quality improvement and technology development""and to her motto---""taking quality and integrity as No.1 priority and serving customers in the best possible way"".Her products covers various types,such as colored hat,mesh cap,fashion leisure hat,nevy hat,baseball cap beret ca,knitted caps and others.She has won hundreds of thousands of customers""tust,thanks to her original design,supreme quality and excellent service,""Yangguan""and""JAMONT"",her distinguished brands,are widely distributed home and abroad.
卢江区 出资金额:1080万人民币元
"全其威 职位:监事 卢江区 职位:执行董事,经理"
变更项目:经营范围 更新后2015-01-04 生产、加工、销售:制帽、玩具、服装、工艺制品、电脑绣花;货物进出口、技术进出口。 更新前 加工、销售:制帽,玩具,服装,工艺制品(不含金、银),电脑绣花。经营本企业自产产品及技术的出口业务和本企业所需的机械设备、零配件、原辅材料及技术的进口业务,但国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外。 TAGQIUKU 变更项目:住所/经营场所 更新后2015-01-04 揭阳市蓝城区月城镇德桥工业区 更新前 揭东县月城镇德桥工业区