迁市金力橡塑制品有限公司是一家专业生产销售PE手用、机用缠绕膜(含茂金属)、封箱胶带、打包带、PE塑料袋、保护膜、珍珠棉、气泡膜、特种膜为主大型包装材料生产厂家。我们本着“诚信合作,品质卓越”的经营理念经过不断努力逐步在客户心中打造成企业辅料首选优质供货商。作为知名企业我们将全心全意、更好的服务优质客户。公司生产的金力牌缠绕膜、胶带、塑料袋、打包带塑料特种膜,已成为宿迁市地区知名产品。公司经过不断努力目前已和逾百家(外资、合资、台资、本地)企业建立长期稳定的合作关系。手机:15150756888 15150761122 0527-82996122
Suqian city of gold rubber products Company Limited is a professional production and sales of PE hand, machine stretch film (including metallocene ), packing tape, packing tape, plastic bags, PE protective film, special film mainly large-scale production of packaging materials manufacturers. We have the spirit of "" good faith cooperation, quality of excellence"" business philosophy, better service quality customer. The company through continuous efforts and now has more than 100 ( foreign investment, joint venture, Taiwan-funded, local) enterprises to establish long-term stable cooperative relations.
徐超 出资金额:50.00万人民币
徐超 职位:执行董事兼总经理 徐苏中 职位:监事
变更项目:企业住所变更 更新后2014-11-26 泗洪经济开发区长江路网络创业园A区3楼7号 更新前 泗洪创意软件园三号楼405