公司组织机构健全,管理理念先进,拥有大批具有专业工作经验和熟练技能的高素质员工。生产设施齐备,为客户提供优质的产品和专业的服务,以卓越的产品品质和服务,与各界朋友真诚合作。 四川瑞朗医疗器械有限公司--愿真诚与国内外有识之士合作,共创医疗事业辉煌!
Sichuan Ruilang Medical Apparatus and Instrument Co., Ltd. is an company dealing in R&D, design, produce and sales of hospital furniture, hospital equipment and dental equipment (including all kinds of hospital beds, hospital chairs, medical carts/ hospital trolleys, medicine cabinets, medical equipment cabinets, experimental equipment and accessories of medical equipment and devices).
Adhering to our business philosophy of "" people oriented,excellent service team spirit“, we have been dedicating ourselves to the strict and well improved quality control system like ISO 9001 to ensure production efficiency and good quality of our products. With our innovative and considerate designs the clients can be pleased by a nice working surrounding. Our professional and innovative products will embody entirely the style and image of a modern hospital as well.
Strict inspections are performed at the each stage of the production process, from raw material to final finish. Our, according to the ISO 9001 certificated quality management guarantees consistent high quality in every part of the company. With strong funds support, technology and a good management team, we can provide our clients professional solutions, excellent services, better technical support and quality guarantee besides the good quality products.
Relied on large production base and wide product range, we can better satisfy customers’ requirements by supplying diversified products in single one order. Our products, which enjoy good reputation both at home and abroad, sell well in many regions in the world. And we are expecting to cooperate with anyone who has in
罗伦 出资金额: 吴茜 出资金额:
吴茜 职位:执行董事兼总经理 罗伦 职位:监事
变更项目:经营范围变更 更新后 2015-04-07 生产:一类医疗器械、办公家具、建材;医疗器械及耗材产品的研发及提供相关技术咨询和服务;销售:一类医疗器械、汽车;货物进出口。(以上项目依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。 更新前 生产:一类医疗器械、办公家具、建材;销售:一类医疗器械、汽车(不含9座以下乘用车);货物进出口(以上项目不含前置许可项目,后置许可项目凭许可证或审批文件经营)。