我公司立足于亚洲最大的小商品批发市场-义乌,工厂位于素有藕花洲美誉的临平,是一家集设计、销售为一体的专业服饰类公司,公司主营各种面料围巾,披肩,大小方巾,款式新颖、质量优异、价格合理,拥有一支素质较高的员工队伍,技术力量雄厚,设备先进,工艺精湛,管理严谨,格守信誉。始终坚持“质量为首,客户为上”的经营宗旨。产品远销东南亚,欧美,中东等国家和地区,深受海内外客户青睐,竭诚欢迎社会各界新老客户前来洽谈惠顾,共图发展!Initially founded in 1996, HangZhou Codooco Co., Ltd. is a joint of several manufactories. We are specializing in shawls,scarfs,pashmina.Our advanced equipment and solid technological force are the guarantee of the production .Due to our many years of manufacturing experience, our company is confident of supplying high quality products to meet customers"" requirements.We regard product quality as the lifeline of our company, so we have set up a quality control system to control every step in the production process. Our aim is to provide customers with high quality products, excellent service and competitive prices. For many years, we have exported our products to clients all over the world. With a good reputation for our stable quality, on-time delivery and excellent creativity.Hoping our products can have a good sales in your market.We sincerely hope to cooperate with you and develop together. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
沈城 出资金额: 沈金根 出资金额:
沈金根 职位:监事 沈城 职位:执行董事兼总经理
变更项目:法定代表人(负责人、董事长、首席代表)变更 更新后 更新前 法定代表人(负责人) 变更项目: 一 ... 更新后 更新前 法定代表人(负责人) 变更项目: 一般 ... 更新后 更新前 2013-06-03