本公司组建于2000年,是一家专业从事内衣设计开发,生产销售的公司。位于中国内衣名镇-广东汕头谷饶镇。 经过若干年来的不懈努力,发展壮大。拥有内衣缝纫设备100多台,意大利圣东尼无缝织造机36台,配备员工200余人,建立了从本胚织造,到染色,到半成品加工,至成品的一条龙生产线。另外本司拥有库存内衣专业购销业务。品质一流价格低廉! 本公司通过承接OEM订单生产业务,产品远销欧洲,美国,南美洲,东南亚,中东,非洲等区域。获得了广大客户的一致赞誉。拥有优质的服务和优良的信誉! 欢迎国内外客户来样洽谈,建立长期战略合作伙伴关系!Our company is founded in 2000, engaging in the design and development of seamless underware. Based in the famouse textle city,Shantou, we grow very fast with years of effort. By now, we have 36 Italy imported textile machines, more than 200 employees, and a production line which can fully operate the creation of base embryo, dyeing, and processing.We receive OEM orders, and our products are popular in Europ, North America, South America, East and South Asia, Middle East,and Africa. We enjoy goodwill for quality produts and service. We use the international standar technique for prodution, also follow the international fashion trend. Combined with human engineering, human hygiene and human aesthetics, we are dedicated to develop quality products with nice price. Our products are elegant, styled and comfortable. We are looking for cooperation home and overseas to creat a new business stage together.
张坤越 出资金额:5万人民币元 周泽 出资金额:5万人民币元
"张坤越 职位:监事 周泽 职位:执行董事,经理"