WuXi Kun Tong Wire Ropes Co.,Ltd
Kun Tong Wire Rope Co., Ltd., Wuxi is located in Wuxi East Metro Zone, the company is specialized in the production and sales of wire rope manufacturer dedicated gondola. After years of exploration and management, I have a series of advanced production equipment and wire rope inspection and testing equipment, in strict accordance with the national wire rope industry standards, providing compliance with IOS standard 4 × 31WS + PP rope, quality assurance, reasonable prices, excellent service , became the mainstay of the region rope production industry.
We hope that our products and services will gain your approval.
过伟 出资金额:25.00万人民币 俞卫刚 出资金额:
过伟 职位:执行董事兼总经理 俞卫刚 职位:监事无锡艾诺科技有限公司苏州吴江分公司 成立时间:2013-07-11
变更项目:经营范围 更新后2014-05-06 钢丝绳的制造、加工、销售;金属制品的销售;自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务,但国家限定企业经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外。 更新前 钢丝绳的制造、加工、销售;金属制品的销售。 **(上述经营范围不含国家法律法规禁止、限制类项目,涉及专项审批的经批准后方可经营)**