价格面议2023-07-01 11:10:01
耐久强固: 耐磨、抗紫外线、粘接性强、耐外性胶粘剂强固性高,有效防止了脱落和雨水冲击。 生态美观:原石,低碳环保,彩石晶莹光泽,满足多元素创意。易维护,抗冻防滑 广泛应用于室内外景观造型,游乐场,水上世界,等主题乐园项目,是艺术装饰混凝土地坪国内新技术。
彩色砾石聚合物混凝土压印是在混凝土搅拌时加入聚合物增效剂,优化砾石混凝土配合比,在聚合物混凝土提浆抹平或刮平表面,在聚合物混凝土表面撒播各种不同品种、不同规格的各种骨料, 在出现泌水时,使用长柄镘板或刮板抹子将表面抹至平坦及光滑。待聚合物混凝土有一定强度,对聚合物混凝土进行饰面洗刷,以或多或少或深或浅的 露出之前撒播的骨料,呈现现出各种场景的砾石景象,以达到预期的效果,聚合物砾石混凝土地坪。
Color sand washing floor is a new type of building decoration material, it is especially suitable for indoor and outdoor surface decoration, with wear-resisting, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, dust-proof and other functions. In recent years, color sand washing floor has been used more and more in various building surface decoration, with good decorative effect.
The color sand washing floor is made of a special building material, which is composed of cement, fine sand, fly ash, mineral modifier and other materials. Its production process is divided into several steps: first, mix cement, fine sand, fly ash and other raw materials in a mixer, then add modifier to the mixture and mix, finally pour the mixture into the mold, after a certain period of curing can form color sand washing floor.
Color sand washing floor has a certain wear resistance, it is not easy to be corroded by the outside world, can effectively prevent the breeding of dust, keep the air fresh, at the same time can protect the surface color, make it more bright. In addition, the color sand washing floor also has good heat insulation performance, can effectively prevent indoor temperature is too high.