面议元2023-05-09 06:00:36
哈芬槽预埋件是便于安装且可调节的理想固定件。槽钢内使用泡沫填充物或条形填充材物能够防止混凝土进入槽钢内。任何组件都可应用哈芬槽钢进行固定,例如:1. 混凝土幕墙2. 预制混凝土板块 3. 管道支撑系统4.砖砌结构支撑。
哈芬槽钢的质量特性如下: 1.高承载能力,高可达32kN或边距小,小可达5cm; 3.易于调整; 4.安装时无噪音、无尘; 5.获得了的认证,可用于静态和动态承载; 6.防腐性能好,采用不锈钢或热浸镀锌钢材质。
哈芬槽预埋件是便于安装且可调节的理想固定件。槽钢内使用泡沫填充物或条形填充材物能够防止混凝土进入槽钢内。任何组件都可应用哈芬槽钢进行固定,例如:1. 混凝土幕墙2. 预制混凝土板块 3. 管道支撑系统4.砖砌结构支撑。
哈芬槽钢的质量特性如下: 1.高承载能力,高可达32kN或边距小,小可达5cm; 3.易于调整; 4.安装时无噪音、无尘; 5.获得了的认证,可用于静态和动态承载; 6.防腐性能好,采用不锈钢或热浸镀锌钢材质。
Gafin groove is a building with embedded, embedded device, the C groove embedded in concrete, the T bolt head buckle into the C slot, and then to component T type bolt fixed installation. Haven slot is ideal for installation of embedded parts are fixed and adjustable. The use of foam filler or strip filler in channel steel can prevent concrete from entering channel steel. Any component can be applied to the fixed channel haven, for example 1. concrete walls 2. precast concrete plate 3. to support 4. brick structure support system. Gafin channel also applies to all occur dynamic bearing fixing device, such as crane rail or mechanical fixing device. For this purpose, special hot rolled channel steel can be applied. The following characteristics 1. channel quality haven high bearing capacity, up to 32kN or 128kNm 2. small margins, minimum up to 5cm the 3. is easy to adjust no noise, 4. when installing clean 5. won the official certification, can be used for static and dynamic load 6. good corrosion resistance, stainless steel or galvanized steel material. Trough appear embedded parts can effectively solve the large exterior curtain wall stress point problem. The application of the slotted buried part curtain wall project can realize the real meaning of the unit construction program. The advantage is that the force is balanced, the installation is convenient, and the adjustment is easy.