油壓機械式機構,高穩定性Oil Pressure Mechanical StructureHigh Stability?*確認拉力計規格是否與主軸夾爪的規格相對應。* Checkthe specification of pull force gauges should??correspondthe specification of spindle clamping unit. ?*量測環境溫度需控制在室溫25±1℃內。*Measuring?environment’s temperatureshould be?controlled within 25 ± 1℃.?*將拉力計及主軸前端錐度部位擦拭乾淨後,夾持拉力計即可。* Cleanthe pull force gauges and front-end taper parts and then ? clamp the pull force gauge.? Adjustment of HSK63A/E pull forcegauge shown on the right. ?2)為確保量測數值的正確性,拉力計須在有預拉的情況下使用。? To ensure the accuracy of measurement thepull force;?gauge has to be used in the pre-pull condition. ??3)實測拉力:以指針所指外圈之數值X10,即為實測拉力(kg-f)? The finger indicated the value of the outer ring X 10;?